Careers kids party by Brett Nattrass

Careers kids party by Brett Nattrass

This little boy turned one and mom decided to throw him a "First day at the office" career party. It was so much fun seeing the little ones dressed up in their formal "work" wear. There was a doctor, a nurse, a quantity surveyor , a helicopter pilot, a firefighter and lawyer to name a few.  It was fun to see some of the one-year-old staff fall a sleep on their first day at the office! Thank you Brett for capturing these special memories for us!

first day at the office kids careers party

<p>Helicoptor pilot working for the fire brigade a.k.a "the birthday boy"!</p>

first day at the office kids careers party ideas

<p>Every child got their own briefcase</p>

first day at the office kids careers party ideas

<p>Yoghurt smoothies with a tie to suit the office party theme and stay healthy</p>

first day at the office kids careers party ideas

<p>A lovely "first day at the office" careers party for lovely children!</p>

Kids Careers party| Baby nurse and doctor| Things to do with kids

<p>The doctor and the nurse deep in thought</p>

first day at the office kids careers party ideas

<p>Maybe one day he will be a Chartered Accountant like his grandfather:)</p>

Kids Careers party| Baby nurse and doctor| Things to do with kids

<p>Quantity Surveyor- sleeping on the job:)</p>

Pro Tip

Arrive early to get the best shots and never put your camera down. Keep the lens cap off, ready to shoot!

Brett Nattrass photography is a Cape Town Wedding Photographer. He operates from the Stellenbosch, Somerset area but has traveled abroad for weddings. Locations such as Swaziland, Johannesburg and Zanzibar. Being a Cape Town Wedding Photographer, he offers his services in the whole Cape Region and often in places such as Johannesburg, Durban etc. "I am proud to be a father to the most amazing (time of writing) 3.5 year old little boy – Benjamin, and 8 month old daughter Emelie. I am also the happiest husband ever with my most amazing wife Ronel. She stands by me every step of the way and you will often see her carrying my camera bag or taking extra shots at the occasional wedding. I am truly blessed to have these 3 people in my life."

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